torstai 24. marraskuuta 2011

4your eyes only!

Hello world, Its been a while, but I'm back!
Have been busy with the up coming collection, everything takes much longer that I had estimated. Also in few weeks Im of to New Delhi to finalize the collection. IM SO EXCITED, can't wait to SHOW it all for you guys!

Thanks for hanging in there @this journey. You're support means the WORLD to me! 

Gift of the day, a sneak peek from the collection...

XO, Suvi

keskiviikko 2. marraskuuta 2011

Miljoona, miljoona, miljoona ruusua

Rakastan ruusuja! 
Ruusuisen tunnustuksen sain Annalta, a.k.a Suomimamma Sisiliassa. 
Ruusujen mukana tuli muutama kysymys, tässä ne kera vastauksien: 

  1. Lempiruoka? Olen todella kaikkiruokainen, mutta jos nyt yksi pitää mainita, niin SUSHI it is!
  2. Lempimakeinen? Rakastan kaikkia ällön: makeita, esanssisia -ja näköisiä hedelmäirtokarkkeja. Suklaa on vuosien mittaan ujuttautunut elämääni salakavalasti.
  3. Lempiluettavani? Vino pino kirjoja odottaa vuoroaan, luen randomisti kausittain. Joka viikko tulee luettua ainakin yksi Hesari ja lehtien artikkeleita sieltä täältä. 
  4. Mieluisin tapa tehdä käsitöitä? Ompelujutut kiikutan kavereille. Vatupassi ja pora pysyy kädessä paremmin kuin neula & lanka. 
  5. Lempielokuva? Niitä on M O N I A ! Jotenkin tämä tuli nyt mieleen: I marry you, I marry you, I marry you...

Ruusut lähtee eteenpäin Ebban Mammalle!

XO, Suvi

maanantai 31. lokakuuta 2011

Täydelliset naiset

Viikonvaihteen Ilta-Sanomissa keskusteltiin ulkonäköasioista!
Julkkis ja "tavis"naisilta kysyttiin: "Oletko tyytyväinen ulkonäköösi, mitä muuttaisit itsessäsi, mitä et"?
Allekirjottanut oli myös mukana gallupissa hyvinkin leppoisalla asenteella, jos vertaa kanssasisarien kommentteihin. :-)
Joku ei pitänyt vatsamakkaroista, toinen ei nenästään. Yksi oli tyytyväinen vain yhteen kohtaan vartalostaan, toisella oli lista korjauksia, vaikka ei kauneusleikkaukseen asti menisikään. Joku jätti hiilarit ruokavaliosta saadakseen kiloja alas ja toinen myönsi olevansa aina tyytymätön näkemäänsä.

Onneksi jutusta löytyi muitakin itseään kokonaisuudeksi näkeviä ja hyväksyviä naisia, vaikka olimmekin selkeästi vähemmistö.

Kuvan kaftaani on tulevaa Lovehandles -mallistoa! 
Väri tosin on syvemmän vihreä "oikeassa elämässä". 

En minä "niitä" nyt niin paljoa hävennyt!
XO, Vanhentunut Suvi :-)

torstai 27. lokakuuta 2011

Angry sBIG Bird

For the past 2years one of my favorite things has been playing the Angry Birds game by Rovio!
The game it self is brilliant cos its so cute and easy. PLUS the creators of the game and company is Finnish.

Now you can find a updated version of the angry bird season game -halloween. And I'm enchanted of the new creature, I call it sBIG bird!

First sBIG is small...

Then sBIG is BIG!

XO, Suvi

tiistai 11. lokakuuta 2011

FAT tax

Few weeks ago Denmark introduced what's believed to be the world's first fat food tax, applying a surcharge to foods with more than 2,3% saturated fats, trying to prevent obesity and hart disease.

Danes hoarded food before the tax went into effect Saturday, emptying grocery store shelves. Some butter lovers may even resort to stocking up during trips abroad.
The new tax of 16 kroner (2.15eur) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of saturated fat in a product will be levied on foods like butter, milk, cheese, pizza, oils and meat.
“Higher fees on sugar, fat and tobacco is an important step on the way toward a higher average life expectancy in Denmark,” health minister Jakob Axel Nielsen said when he introduced the idea in 2009, according to The Associated Press, because “saturated fats can cause cardiovascular disease and cancer.”
But some Danes are not happy about the ‘big brother’ feeling that comes with the tax.
“Denmark finds every sort of way to increase our taxes,” said Alisa Clausen, a South Jutland resident. “Why should the government decide how much fat we eat? They also want to increase the tobacco price very significantly. In theory this is good — it makes unhealthy items expensive so that we do not consume as much or any and that way the health system doesn’t use a lot of money on patients who become sick from overuse of fat and tobacco.  However, these taxes take on a big brother feeling.  We should not be punished by taxes on items the government decides we should not use.”
The Nordic country isn’t known for having a grossly overweight population — only about 10 percent of Danes are considered obese, compared to about one-third of adults (33.8 percent) and approximately 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents age 2—19 years in the United States, according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
But perhaps Denmark has its obesity rate relatively under control because of its policies. In 2004, Denmark made it illegal for any food to have more than 2 percent trans fats.  In July 2010, the country increased taxes on ice cream, chocolate and sweets by 25 percent. At the same time, Denmark increased taxes on soft drinks, tobacco and alcohol products, beyond the minimum levels established by the EU.
“Denmark will not only increase general health amongst the population but will also ease the burden on the public health care system and increase its resources at a time of recession when Member States are cutting public expenditure,” Monika Kosinska, the secretary general of the European Public Health Alliance, said in 2010.
Kosinska said the tax increases should be complemented by measures to make nutritious food more affordable.
“We get the taxes, but never a reduction on anything to complement the increases, such as  on healthy foods,” said Clausen.

What do you think? 

XO, Suvi

tiistai 4. lokakuuta 2011

Fashion Flea Market

Last sunday a small group of Finnish fashion bloggers came together and held a flea market in the <3 of Helsinki.

On my way, ooh what a beautiful day!

Last minute arraigments in my Lovehandles dress. 

Close up from the merchandise. 

People where sereusly queuing -thats the spirit!
THE DOOR to secondhand heaven. 

"Hmm, I'll take this and this and this one too". 

"My precious"! :-)

Cool to meet bargain & fashion lovers and some of my readers!

Lovehandles statement in a pin. 

Shop til' you drop!

Full house. 

Had an exellent day, enjoyed every bit of it. Hope you did too?

  XO, Suvi

tiistai 27. syyskuuta 2011


Mahtavaa päästä mukaan sunnuntaina FORUMin muotikirppikselle, kiitos MTL -tytöt järjestelyistä!
Pengoin kaapit ja varastot ylös-alaisin, sieltähän löytyi ja vaikka mitä.
Nyt on oiva tilaisuus tehdä hankintoja vaatekoossa: 42-52 ja kenkiä koossa 41. 
PLUS luovun (apuaaaaa) myös osasta ihania asusteita. Pitää tehdä tilaa uudelle ja laittaa hyvä kiertoon. :-)


Kurkistus "kasaan".

Kirppis pidetään Kauppakeskus Forumin Kukontorilla (futon forumin ent.liiketila) 
su 2.10.2011 Klo 12 - 15 

Nähdään Kirppiksellä!

XO, Suvi

perjantai 23. syyskuuta 2011

Ilta Jumbossa

Toinen asiakasilta Zizzi -ketjun Jumbon liikkeessä oli "SUKSEE"!
Asiakkaita tulvi ovista ja ikkunoista, kassa lauloi ja mikä parasta - kurvikkaat naiset poistuivat hymyt huulillaan onnistuneesta Retail terapiasta. :-)

<3 Illan tarjoilua <3

Oman tulevan vaatemallistoni Kaftaani & Legginssit tuntuivat NIIN oikealta ja hyvältä päälläni kun kurkistimme yhdessä maailman muotiin, sekä kerroin teille matkastani yrittäjyyteen ja vaatemalliston synnystä.

Mitäs siellä maailman catwalkeilla tapahtuu..?

Ilmeestä päätellen (kovin tohkeissani!) oman toiminnan osion vuoro.

Muutama kommentti Lovehandles -asusta: 
"Näytät ihan riikinkukolta -niinkuin sillai hyvällä"! 
"Wau, magee, eihän tollasia vaatteita ole missään"! 
"Tuleehan muutakin väriä kun vihreää"? (Tulee, koko värien kirjo!) 
"Just tollanen iso, kaunis, näyttävä persoonallinen nainen".


"I DO"!

Aurinkoiset Zizzi-ammattilaiset:
Anna & Hanna-Leena.

Myötäelin onnistumisen tunteissa, joissa asiakkaat kylpivät illan aikana!
"Kauneus ON mielentila, ei vaatekoko".

Ja niinkuin Intiassa sanotaan:
:-) <

XO, Suvi

maanantai 19. syyskuuta 2011

LOVE is in the air

I experienced one of the most exiting days in my life when I opened the packet that had the FIRST samples for the up coming collection: 
The Beauty Of Lovehandles.

Embroidery done as hand work.

Sleeve details. 

Every piece tells a story.
ATTN! embroidery @the leggings. 


XO, Suvi

sunnuntai 18. syyskuuta 2011


Yrittäjä virittäytyy illan tunnelmaan.

Oli olla tällä viikolla mukana Lahdessa Zizzin asiakasillassa puhumassa syksyn trendeistä, sekä omasta plus koon vaatemalliston projektista!

Jännitys piinasi alussa, vaikka olenkin tottunut julkiseen esiintymiseen. Nyt tämä kaikki tekeminen on niin HENKILÖKOHTAISTA, että hikikarpalot nousivat pintaan. Tunnelma rentoutui pian kun pääsin ihmisten sekaan auttamaan ostovalinnoissa, sekä etsimään Veeralle omannäköistä stailia Zizzin valikoimasta.

Zizzi Lahti kauppakeskus Trio.

Asiakkaita oli kivasti paikalla ja sainkin hyviä kommentteja, toiveita tulevaa vaatemallistoa varten. "Kenttätyö" on niin ihanaa ja kullan arvoista. Kertokaa naiset minkälaisia tarpeita teillä on pukeutumisen suhteen. Lovehandles mallisto ottaa vaikutteita oikeasta elämästä ja tarpeista!

Veera stailauksessa.
Mitäs me tytöt?
Zizzin oma ihana Anni!

Kaikille asiakkaille annoin lahjaksi hyväksi havaitut plus koon naisen pukeutumisvinkin, eli: 
"How to express The Beauty Of Lovehandles" - kortin.

Nouda omasi ensi viikon keskiviikkona Jumbon Zizzistä!

XO, Suvi

tiistai 13. syyskuuta 2011


Avoin asiakasilta huomenna Lahdessa alkaen klo18.00. 
Tavataan siellä!

XO, Suvi

perjantai 9. syyskuuta 2011

New look / Uusi ilme

Katse, huulet – rinnat ja takamus.
Globaali ote, suvaitseva vakaumus.
Muotoja, värejä – joko joko?
Ihanteena näyttävyys ja koko!

Do you like it?


maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2011

TAG: My Plus size fashion style

My fellow curvy blogger Holika from LA DIVA DELLE CURVE tag't me in a post revealing more about the everyday behavior about the clothes you wear and how you follow the fashion.  

My answers:

  • Height: 170cm
  • Clothing size: 48/50EUR, 20UK, 16US
  • Shoe size: 41/42 EUR
  • Body shape (apple, pear, hourglass, banana, strawberry?): Hourglass. 
  • Favorite clothing item: If you got a nice pare of jeans its easy to match them with a good looking top. My trip this spring to India introduced me to KURTA clothing style. Easy, comfy to wear, mach them with leggings or jeans. Read more about the Indian style here. I'm always happy to discover something new. 
  • Clothing item you cannot stand: If the clothes you wear does not fit you: too small, too big -that can be tricky. Last autumn I was walking the streets of London in a dress and too small panty hoes that where rolling down from my waist. I felt like an idiot and very uncomfortable. In the end I strip them down in the middle of a street. I have come across some very poor quality jeans that stretches in a unshaped fit after heavy use. If you have to lift your jeans up repeatedly thats not nice eater. 
  • Favorite accessories: EARRINGS! I have a billion pare -can't get enough of those. SUNGLASSES!
  • Skirt or pants: Usually pants, but skirts service a good purpose during summer time. 
  • Jeans? What style and cut you prefer: Usually skinny jeans and not low cut waist. 
  • Body part I like to enhance: Can't think of a separate "part".
  • Body part I try to hide: Tummy. 
  • Colors I like to wear: You can basically see me in ANY (except brown, khaki, beige -shade's) colors, I LOVE COLORS! Choice for the day reflects my general mood and state of mind. 
  • What clothes I cannot wear: A fluffy dress or a tutu skirt. 
  • What outfit suits my best: Loose blouse, skinny jeans and heals. Tunic with leggings. 
  • Heels or not: Its a pain to find heels that are comfy. I have tons of shoes I don't use that much anymore, cos of the comfy factor. I would use more heels if I would find the right ones. Uncomfortable shoes, can't take that. 
  • Favorite style swimsuit: Tankini with a high waist "trunks". I have never worn a bikini. 
  • Favorite lingerie style: Underwired, large straps bras. High waisted panties. Sounds really hot -not :-).Usually cotton, but lace is luxurious for special occasions. Last years I have learned to except my true body size and true that I finally wear right size lingerie. Sometimes I wear corsets, I love the support on those. I usually don't like to wear panty hoes, stay up's make's me feel sexy.
  • My personal style (bohemian, retro, romantic, rock, casual, sporty, classic etc.): A great mix of all styles, less sporty though.  
  • Favorite plus size icon: Marilyn Monroe (not really a plus size -love her looks anyway), Adele, Queen Latifah, Chaka Khan, Jennifer Hudson (is she a plus size anymore?).
  • Favorite plus size model: Don't know many, but Tara Lynn I do like.
  • Is there a plus size icon that you or someone else think your personal style or body type reflects to: Some has said that I look like Ann Nicole Smith (RIP).    
  • Favorite curvy fashion blogger: I really like Beyond sizes / Thina -blog. Her posts are interesting and up to date.
  • Favorite plus size fashion you tuber: ?
  • Plus size fashion brands you prefer: Asos, Zizzi, City Chic, Evans, Dorothy Perkins, Primark (uups).
  • Favorite plus size designer: I totally LOVE what LOVEHANDLES has to offer you soon... But mean while: Monif C. and Carma Koma. Have not ordered anything from them yet. I like the designs, style. 
  • Favorite regular size fashion designer: I love the dresses of Elie Saab! Prada and Chloe usually draws my attention. Label's don't impress me, interesting design and quality does.
  • Where do you usually shop for clothes: Gina Tricot, HM, Zizzi. I buy most of my clothes abroad.
  • Places where you usually buy shoes: Very random!
  • Places you usually buy your lingerie: Funky Lady, Lindex. 
  • Do you prefer buying clothes on-line or shops: Both. On-line shops has to have a good website, but unfortunately you don't see that often. 
  • When choosing clothes, do you go for comfort or looks: They totally walk hand in hand. I have learned that in good time. 
  • When buying clothes, do you go for quality or convenience: Working with clothes almost all my adult life I have learned to avoid some materials that don't service you in a long run. I usually know from experience as a customer which products from which brands to buy from. I love good bargains and to get value for money.  
  • What sort of relationship do you have towards your body and fashion: My body is my temple. Carry it, treat it as you wish it to serve your porpoise. I'm not only my body, I'm something more, something whole. What comes to fashion, what is fashion these days? There is many trends out there where to pick from. We plus size women are somehow restricted though. My "fashion" is that I can choose to dress up how I feel each and every day, it's a form of art, way of expressing you self. My mission is to break boundaries, give another change to dress up how you fit. Love the clothes you'r in, love what's beneath it! 

Now I'll tag some plus size bloggers I would like to answer these questions:
Mimmi & Peppi from More to Love,
Thina from Beyond Sizes,

XO, Suvi

tiistai 30. elokuuta 2011

Accountable beauty?

This week I have come across these editorial commercials in various fashion magazines. 
Let's think what's the purpose of a fashion photo-shoot? 
Usually it is to sell the fashion items on models, set a good image for the brand and to attract the customer towards the brand. Right? 
When I saw these pictures I wasn't attracted at all, repulsive would more describe it.

What is beautiful? What's healthy?
What kind of image are we creating for our kids/youth to look up to?

I would say, not too fat, not too skinny.
But who measures it, who has the last saying are you ok or not?
If your happy in life it usually reflects in all doing. If your content in your self it usually shows outside.
This is my measure.

I took these pictures as an example what the fashion marketing industry thinks we customer feel drawn to.
I don't!
I'm not directly the target group ether and yes I am, cos I follow whats happening around me in the fashion business.

Again I'm happy to notice I'm in the right path of creating something new, but still very common, in the sense that that's what we see around us every day.

All you fashion bloggers, designers, photographers etc. which has a healthy approach and a common sense towards fashion -I salute you!

Whats your feeling of this pics?

XO, Suvi

perjantai 26. elokuuta 2011

Blogging day

Hyvät kanssa-bloggaajat!
Mikä on paras päivä uudelle postaukselle?

Dear fellow bloggers!
Whats the best day for a new blog post?

XO, Suvi

sunnuntai 21. elokuuta 2011

We want YOU!

Oletko sinä, vai tunnetko upean plus koon naisen?
Lovehandles etsii "mallia" jokapäiväisestä elämästä, syyskuun loppupuolella Helsingissä pidettäviin uuden malliston imagokuvauksiin.
Jos olet kameraa pelkäämätön, itseäsi terveellä tavalla rakastava nainen, toimi näin:

  1. Ota itsestäsi kaksi kotikutoista kuvaa. Kokovartalo -ja kasvokuva. Mahdollisimman luonnollinen lookki, ei paljoa meikkiä. 
  2. Mittauta itsesi: rinnan, vyötärön ja lantionympärysmitat.
  3. Lähetä kuvat, mitat ja pieni tarina itsestäsi yhteistietoineen osoitteeseen:  

Kaikki viestit käsitellään luottamuksella ja jokaiselle vastaamme henkilökohtaisesti. 


maanantai 8. elokuuta 2011

Working Woman

This image represents well the past months work I've gone true. 
Im so exited that I can share some brilliant news with you SOOOON.
Until then I can just reveille that I have an existing company now -congratulations! 

It's been a very interesting road so far, especially for someone who's starting up a company the first time in their life. Everything you do you have to learn as a new skill and paper work is not the strongest ability of mine. Working on it :-) .
I'm very fortunate to have such skilled family & friends around me to help -THANK YOU! 

Stay put with Love Handles, something HUGE coming up soon...


perjantai 1. heinäkuuta 2011

Malliston kokotaulukko / Collection size chart

Hommat etenee hyvää vauhtia tulevan malliston kanssa. Ensi viikolla tulisi varmistaa Love Handles -vaatemalliston kokotaulukko. NYT sinulla on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa siihen. Käy vastaamassa (VAIN plus koon naiset) muutamaan kysymykseen pikimmiten

Things are moving ahead pretty well with the new collection. Next week I should confirm the Love Handles -clothing line's size chart. NOW is your chance to influence on it. Answer (ONLY if your a plus size woman) a few questions 

Kiitos ajastasi! Thanks for your time!

torstai 23. kesäkuuta 2011

The land of thousand lakes -Finland!

Finnish flag.

What do you know about Finland? 
Let me fill you in as a native Finn.

First lets talk about the weather, cos it's changes controls us.
We have 4 seasons,the biggest difference is between winter and summer. Most of the year it's cold and dark. In mid winter (about november to march) it's below 0'C, can go down to -30'C. Last two years we have had so much snow, that we don't know where to shovel it anymore. 

Typical winter day. Can be 8am or 4pm, dark after those hours.

In the summer period (about 3-4months) its really bright, meaning @midnight it gets a bit dim, but soon it's bright again. This weekend we celebrate "Juhannus" = midsummer. The sun does not go down at all and we go nuts. 

Generally finns does not complain about the weather, but it's a subject everyone talks about, cos it controls our doings a lot. 
Here's a typical winter morning. You be surprised, cos you think you'll be late for sure where ever your going, but only a true finn can manage this without screwing up the days schedule. 
FIRST shovel your way out of the house. Sometimes it has snowed so much during the night it's a struggle opening your front door. Then find your car, cos you cant be sure you'll find it where you left it.. Shovel car under the snow pile, "hello car". Warm up the car, melt the frozen locks (use special lock melting stuff or booze, that everyone has in their house). Take a sip (of the booze) to warm up. Meanwhile the car is warming, dress up the kids in layers and layers of clothes, when your done they most likely need a nappy change or go to the toilet. Get the picture..? 

In the summertime it's so different, so easy to maintain everyday chores. Best, hottest summer days we can get temperature up to +30'C. Even if its just around +10'C, we're out in our gardens planting flowers, wearing shorts. Extreme weather changes right! How do we manage? Answer is "Suomalainen Sisu" -look at the video. You don't have to understand the words (thank god you don't) just pay attention towards the attitude. 

In a nutshell, winter time we are most likely spending time at home in a small social circle, eating, drinking, decoration our homes. Summertime we're the opposite, social outgoing creatures. Call a finn extempore 8pm in the winter and ask for dinner -not happening! "I'm too comfy in my woolly socks at home". Try it in the summer -response most likely a yes! 

Lake and forrest.

Other facts about Finns

  • We are proud of our nature.
  • We are always on time.
  • We are the most coffee drinking nation in europe (we need the coffin dose cos lack of the sun in winter time).
  • We're are also the most overweight nation in europe. We love to eat and drink.
  • We have a woman president. 
  • Our currency is EURO and we're a part of European Union.
  • Our capital is Helsinki.
  • We where proud of NOKIA back in the 90's, now the national proud goes to Angry Birds.

Angry Birds -game is a creation of an finnish company called Rovio. 

  • 10% of land area is water.
  • We (should) speak both Finnish and Swedish. 
  • We start school age 7. Before that we go to pre-school for a year and before that we can be kids and play.
  • We call Finland "Suomi" in our language.
  • We are honest, but usually very,very modest. 
  • Unfortunately biggest clothing retailers are supermarkets. Waiting that to change!
  • We don't speak if we don't have anything to say. Finnish small talk = no talk.  
  • Corruption is not a (big) part of our social system or politics.
  • IVANAhelsinki and Marimekko (mari = finnish woman's name, mekko = woman's dress) makes us proud design wise.  
This "unikko" print by Marimekko can get out of hand..
  • We have been ruled both by the Swedish and Russians.
  • Generally a Finn does not like if you confuse them for being a Russian, but if you think they are Swedish -that's ok.
  • Finland win the world ice hockey championship this year.
  • We are usually a bit jealous towards Swedish people, cos they look better and produce "hit" music.
  • "If your happy, hide it". One of our sayings. 
  • 20% does not belong to the church, about 78% are lutherans. 
  • Large country, not much people, about 5,4million. 
  • Finland is NOT part of Scandinavian countries.
  • Our school education system is the highest in the world. 
  • Joulupukki = Santa Claus is from Finland! I know where he lives..
  • We LOVE our Karjalanpiirakka = Karelian pasty.


  • We pronounce Finnish language how we write it.
  • We are hard working.
  • We are people who love rules and order.
  • We mind our "own" business. 
  • Mostly when we say something we mean it. 
  • Finland shuts down for business in July and everyone agrees to it.
  • If your a huge celebrity, come here, no one will chase you.
  • The other Northern countries has their monarchy, we have Sauli Koskinen.
  • Sauna is a holy place for us. ATTN! Just strip and go. You'll make a fool out of your self trying to cover your body with a towel. Fat, skinny, boy, girl, whatever.. We are Finns -we have seen it all!

Welcome to Finland = Tervetuloa Suomeen!
-Suvi x x